To Provide value based quality education & generate Human Resource Equipped with contemporary advance skills.
- To make the students aware about the career opportunities available through the programs offered to them.
- To refine the personality of the students with positive approache and purposeful skills.
- To mould the character of students through value based education.
- To search the students in the area who are eligible but deprived of taking higher education.
- To create environmental and social awarness by exposing students to various activities.
- To contribute to the development of economically backward area by helping the rural students to get quality education and to facilitate them the global stream of course.
- To Provide quality education by offering the skill base course in rural area.
- To mould and shape the rural students for their all round development according to demands of local, state and national level and to instill self confidence in them.
- To inculcate patriotism and the realization of their responsibility towards their environment and society.