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Convocation Postponment Circular
1st Internal examination 2022-23 -Time table
24th Convocation Ceremony 2022 date September 27, 2022
Online Registration for Admission 2022-23
Name | Qualification | Designation | Profile | |
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Dr. Arvind Chavan | M.Sc. Zoology, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor & HOD | PDF |
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Dr. Jayvardhan Balkhande | M.Sc. Zoology, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor |
The Zoology Department of the college was established in the year 2010-11. Dr. Arvind B. Chavhan has appointed as an Assistant Professor & Head of the department on 11 August 2014, while Dr. Balkhande J.V. was appointed as an Assistant Professor on 18 April 2015. The department has continued to provide quality education to students of rural areas to face the challenges of globalization & to emerge themselves. The department is engaged in academic as well as extra and co-curricular activities throughout the year.
The Department has followed a three-prong strategy of strengthening and achieving excellence in teaching, research, and extension work and has taken the leadership in organizing students’ Seminar and Science Exhibition, throughout the Academic year
The quality of teaching in the Department is continuously monitored by the Department Council and is being regularly updated and the students have been made to feel and work as active participants in the learning process under the inspiring leadership of the teachers. It is being constantly updated and the students have been made to feel and work as active participants in the learning process under the inspiring leadership of their teachers. The students have also benefited immensely from Guest lectures Series, Science Exhibitions, Group discussions, and Science Scholar competitions held in the Department and from Seminars and lectures given by eminent invited Persons.
Research Project
Name of the Project/ Endowments, Chairs | Name of the Principal Investigator/Co-investivator | Year of Award | Duration of the project |
Minor Research Project , S.R.T. M. University | Dr. Jayardhn V. Bakhanade | 2018-19 | 2 year |
Minor Research Project , S.R.T. M. University | Dr. Arvind B. Chavhan | 2019-20 | 2 year |
Research Guidance
Research Area
Research Publications
- Nada A. Asaad, Nehal G. Abdelaziz, Shereen A. A. Khalil, Ali M. Ali, Hanan E. Mohamed, Marwa A. Eltony, Omnia M. Kamal, Ahmed M. Ahmed, E. Ismail, Arvind B Chavhan, & Haitham M. A. Elsayed (2022) Comparative effects of PEG6000 and NaCl simulation osmatic induced solutions stress on morphological seedling traits in wheat plant under lab conditions. International Journal Life Sciences, 10(1), 1–20. Retrieved from
- Befikadu Zewdie, Mengistu Urge, Yosef Tadesse, Arvind Chavhan, & Solomon Gizaw. (2022). Productive and Reproductive Performances of Arab Goats in the Western Lowlands of Ethiopia. International Journal Life Sciences, 10(1), 21–32. Retrieved from
- Berhan Asmamaw, Demeke Datiko, Misikire Tessema, Abraham Assefa, and A. Chavhan. “Trends of Climate Change and Perception of Local Fishermen Around Lake Chamo, Ethiopia”. International Journal Life Sciences, vol. 8, no. 4, Jan. 2021, pp. 743-750,
- Assefa Workineh, and Arvind Chavhan. “Agronomic and Economic Evaluation of Nitrogen Fertilizer Types and Levels on Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) in the Vertisols of Northern Highlands of Ethiopia”. International Journal Life Sciences, vol. 8, no. 4, Dec. 2020, pp. 693-700.
- Balkhande Jayvardhan V and Chavhan Arvind B. Preparation of organic fertilizer from fish waste: a new avenue in employment generation, Int. Res. Journal of Science & Engineering, 2020, Special Issue A10: 21-24.
- Budkewar Shubhangi, Dudhare Dhammapushpa, Balkhande Jayvardhan and Arvind Chavhan. Study of Nesting pattern and Breeding Ecology of Prinia socialis in Manjula Nagar Colony Bhokar Dist. Nanded (MS) India. International J. of Life Sciences, 2018; 6 (3): 807-813.
- Kiros Asgele, Kebede Woldetsadik, Yohannes Gedamu, Chavhan Arvind. Effect of Inorganic NP Fertilizers and Vermicompost on Seed Yield and Seed Quality of Onion (Allium cepa L.) at Maitsebri. International J. of Life Sciences, 2018; 6 (3): 733-743.
- Patil Kishor, Bobade Sumedh, Shende Virendra A, Pawar Santosh, Chavhan Arvind. Aves of Ajanti reservoir region of Wena River, Hinganghat (Wardha) Central India. Res. Journal of Science & Engineering, 2018, 6 (2): 55-76.
- Gebretnsae Mezgebe, Solomon Gizaw, Mengistu Urge and Arvind Chavhan*. Begait cattle production systems and production performances in northern Ethiopia; International J. of Life Sciences, 2017; 5 (4): 506-516.
- Feyissa Begna and Arvind Chavhan*. A morphological study of the evolution of eight Organisms through a morphological phylogeny; International J. of Life Sciences, 2017; 5 (4): 561-569.
- Jayvardhan Balkhande, Arvind Chavhan and Shaikh Azeem Issak (2017) Study of Nesting pattern and Breeding Biology of Prinia socialisin forest office of Bhokar Dist. Nanded (Maharashtra) India; International J. of Life Sciences, 5 (4): 635-638.
- Roy Choudhury Shuvasish and Chavhan Arvind B*. Analysis of some physicochemical parameters and their effect on the productivity of fishes in two different types of aquatic bodies of Unamgaon and Seipargaon of Patharkandi block of Karimganj district, Assam, India; International J. of Life Sciences, 2017; 5 (4): 587-592.
- Yohannes Gebremichael, Kebede Woldetsadik,Arvind Chavhan and Fikreyohannes Gedamu. Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and bulb yield of onion (Allium cepa L.) under irrigation at Selekleka, Northern Ethiopia; International J. of Life Sciences, 2017; 5 (2): 151-160.
- Tesfay Gebrekirstos, Getaneh Woldeab, Thangavel Selvaraj and Arvind Chavhan*. Virulence of wheat leaf rust and reaction of cultivars to virulent races in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, International J. of Life Sciences, 2017; 5 (2): 189-197.
- Balkhande J V. and Chavhan A. B. Opportunities and Challenges of Lac Culture in Nanded District (Maharashtra). Research Journey’ International Multidisciplinary E- Research Journal Special Issue 4, 70-73.
- Gabisa Giddisa Hinkosa, Alemu Lencho, Thangavel Selvaraj, Arvind Chavhan and Kasahun Sadessa. Screening, cultural and biochemical characterization of coffee bacterial blight (Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcaevan Hall) isolates from Sidama and Gedeo zones, SNNP Regional State, Ethiopia, International J. of Life Sciences, 2016; 4 (4): 491-508.
- Hafsa Basharat, Abdul Ghafoor, Arvind Chavhan, Muhammad Muddassar Zafar, Khalid Abbas, Javeria Tabasum, Razia Parveen: Microsatellite markers revealed poor genetic structure of Wallago attu in Punjab, Pakistan.J. of Life Sciences, 2016; 4(3):385- 393
- Alemayehu Biri, Sheleme Kaba, Fikadu Taddesse, Nigussie Dechassa, Sharma Jj, Asrat Zewidie, Arvind Chavhan*: Effect of Vermicompost and Nitrogen Application on Striga Incidence, Growth, and Yield of Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Monech] in Fedis, eastern Ethiopia.J. of Life Sciences, 2016; 4(3):349- 360 .
- Getahun Dereje, Tesfa Bogale, Cherukuri V Raghavaiah, Bogale Walelegn, Arvind B. Chavhan*: On- farm productivity response of rainfed grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) to integrated nutrient supply system in Assosa Zone, Western Ethiopia, East Africa.J. of Life Sciences, 2016; 4(2):169- 175
- Tekle Edossa Kubure, Raghavaiah Cherukuri V, Chavhan Arvind and Ibrahim Hamza: Effect of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) genotypes, plant densities and phosphous on productivity, nutrients uptake, soil fertility changes and economics in Central high lands o Ethiopia.J. of Life Sciences, 2015; 3(4):287-305
- Arvind Chavhan*, Santosh Pawar, Rajusing Jadhao: Study of Biodiversity of Terrestrail Snail in Selected Locality of Amravati City, Central India. Indian Journal of Applied Research 08/2015; 5(8):713-714., DOI:10.15373/2249555X/aug/2015
- Dhote Jayashree, Chavhan Arvind*, Ingole Sangita: Design of Laboratory Based Waste Water Treatment Plant. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, 2014; Vol. 2 (3): 104-111
- Sangita P Ingole, Arvind Chavhan*, Dr. Jayashree D Dhote: Study of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Wastewater From Some Selected Location on Amba Nalla, Amravati. Indian Journal of Applied Research 08/2013; 3(8):311-314., DOI:10.15373/2249555X/AUG2013/97.
- Arvind B Chavhan*, Santosh S Pawar, Rajusing G Jadhao, Kishor G Patil: Distribution of CC-chemokine receptor-5-Δ32 allele among the tribal and caste population of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state. Indian Journal of Human Genetics 03/2013; 19(1):65-70., DOI:10.4103/0971-6866.112894
- Chavhan A.B*., Jadhao R.G., Patil K.G. and Pawar S.S. “Distribution of CCR2-64I allele among the tribal and caste population of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state. Molecular Biology & Genetics, 2013, 14 (1):1-6.
- Arvind Chavhan*: Partial checklist of ant species in and around Amravati city, Maharashtra, India.
- Arvind Chavhan, Jadhao Rajusing, Santosh Pawar: The study of Allelic Frequency of ABO and Rh D Blood Group among the Banjara Population of Akola District, Maharashtra, India.
- Arvind Chavhan*: Allelic Frequency of ABO And Rh D Blood Group Among The Banjara Caste Population of Akola District, Maharashtra , India. Nature Precedings 03/2011;, DOI:10.1038/npre.2011.5771
- Arvind B. Chavhan, Santosh S. Pawar, Mumtaz M. Baig: Allelic Frequency of ABO And Rh D Blood Group Among the Banjara Backward Caste of Yavatmal District, Maharashtra, India. Nature Precedings 01/2010
- Dhote J.D., Ingole S.P. and B. Chavhan*. Treatment of sewage using dual Media filter & its Sustainable reuse. Indian Stream Research Journal. (Special issue Feb- 2013.) Pp: 43-50.
- Jadhao R.G. Tembhurne S.D. Pawar S.S. andB. Chavhan*. Study of dental fluorosis in Village Botony (Line Pod), Taluka Maregoan, District Yavatmal. (M.S.). Indian Stream Research Journal. (Special issue Feb- 2013.) Pp:62-65.
- Chavhan A*, Bhamodkar, R. Mankar, S. Ajakar, S. Khadse and R. Jadhao. Conservation Genetics- A need, Asiatic Journal of Biotechnology Resources, Special Issue- A7, 2013; pp: 11-14.
- Arvind Chavhan*, Rajusing Jadhao and Pawar Santosh. Allelic Frequency of ABO blood group among the Banjara population of Akola District. “ANTHROCOM” Online Journal of Anthropology, 2012, 8(2):71-73.
- Dhote J.D., Ingole S.P. and B. Chavhan*. Review on “Waste water Treatment Technology.” International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. 2012, 2(4): 1-7
- Arvind Chavhan and Pawar Santosh. Distribution and Diversity of Ant Species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in and Around Amravati City of Maharashtra, India. World Journal of Zoology, 2011, 4 (2): 396-400.
Book Publications
- Text Book of Developmental Biology of Vertebrates, DNA Publication, ISBN 978-81-945174-1-2
- A Text Book of Zoology, DNA Publication, ISBN 978-81-942042-8-2.
- e-book APPLIED PARASITOLOGY PART-I (Parasitic Protozoa and Platyhelminthes) ISBN: 978-93-5396-390-3.
- Applied Parasitology- I, HARSHWARDHAN PUBLICATION,2020, ISBN-978-93-86778-04-8.
- Applied Parasitology-II, HARSHWARDHAN PUBLICATION,2020, ISBN-978-93-86778-03-1.
Edited Book / Conference Proceeding Publications
- Special Issue of National Conference Forensic Science & Digital Forensics, IJLSCI, ISSN 2320-7817, May 2022.
- Edited Book on Covid-19 Second Wave: Challenges for sustainable development, Asian Biological research Foundation, India, October 2021, ISBN: 978-93-559305-5-25,
- Edited book on “Covid-19 in India: An Inter-disciplinary perspective on the global pandemic in India. ISSN 2320-7817 July, 2021.
- Special Issue of National Conference on“Recent Trends in Science and Technology-2021 (RTST-2021)” Special Issue A16 | March 2021, IJLSCI, ISSN 2320-7817
- Special Issue of International e-conference on Role of Science and Technology for sustainable development (ICRSTSD-2020)” date 17-18 August 2020, IRJSE ISSN 2322-0015.
- Special issue of international e-Conference on ” Emerging trends and Challenges In life sciences” 18-19 June 2020, IRJSE ISSN 2322-0015.
- Special issue of National e-Conference on Recent Aspects in Biosciences-2020”, IJLSCI, ISSN 2320-7817, June 2020.
- Special issue of INTERNATIONAL e-CONFERENCE ON “Sustainable Development: A Biological and Socioeconomical Perspective” July 2020, IRJSE, ISSN 2322-0015
- Special Issue of National Conference on Challenges in Life Sciences and Agrobased Industries for Rural Development CLSAIRD-2019, 21 December 2019, IJLSCI, ISSN 2320-7817., IRJSE, ISSN 2322-0015
- Special Issue of National Seminar on Journey of Bioscience from Wild to Urban & What Next? April 27, 2018
- Special Issue of National Seminar on Recent Advances in Green Chemistry and Physics -2018, date April 27, 2018
- Special Issue of National Seminar on Modern Perspectives in Life Sciences (MPLS-2018)
March 2018, IJLSCI, ISSN 2320-7817. - Special Issue of National Conference onGenetics for Human Welfare 22-23 January, 2018, IJLSCI, ISSN 2320-7817.
- Special Issue of National Conference onRECENT ADVANCES IN ZOOLOGY (NCRAIZ -2018), 13 January 2018, IJLSCI, ISSN 2320-7817.
- Special Issue of National Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment- 2018, January 2018, IRJSE ISSN 2322-0015.
- Special Issue of Recent Approaches in Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, January 2018, IRJSE ISSN 2322-0015.
- Special Issue of Advanced Methods for material Characterization (SCAMMC -2018),, January 2018, IRJSE ISSN 2322-0015.
- Special Issue of National Conference on EMERGING TRENDS MYCOTECHNOLOGY
(NCETM- 2018), 5th and 6th January 2018 - Special Issue of National Conference on, RECENT TRENDS IN, BIOTECHNOLOGY & BIODIVERSITY, (NCBB-2017), 22-23 September 2017, IJLSCI, ISSN 2320-7817.
- Special Issue of National Conference on FUNGI FROM DIVERSE HABITATS
AND THEIR BIOTECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, IJLSCI, ISSN 2320-7817. - Special Issue of International Conference on Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience (ICANN 2017), IRJSE ISSN 2322-0015.
- Special Issue of NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION IN AGRI-BIOSCIENCES, 26th & 27th February 2016, IJLSCI, ISSN 2320-7817.
Chapter in Edited Book Publications
- Dr. Arvind Chavhan, & Dr. balkhande J.V. Obesity may act as an susceptibility element for COVID-19 infection severity; An perspective analysis, Asian Biological research Foundation, India, October 2021, ISBN: 978-93-559305-5-25,
Conferences/ Seminars/ Symposia/ Workshops Organised
- Organized International Web Conference COVID-19 Second Wave: Challenges for Sustainable Development (CCSD 2021) date 13-15 September, 2021 (Convener)
- Organized International Webinar on “Fitness Play Key Role for Happy and Healthy Life in Covid-19 Pandemic, 11th November 2020 (Organizing Secretary)
- Organized Two Day’s International E-Webinar on Recent Trends in Life Sciences for Better Future, 15-16 September, 2020, (Co-convener)
- Organized “Two-day International e-conference on Role of Science and Technology for sustainable development (ICRSTSD-2020)” date 17-18 August 2020 in Collaboration with S.R.T.M. University Nanded, MS, India (Convener)
- Organized One Day National E-Webinar on Advances in Chemical Sciences for Better Future-2022 dated February 2nd, 2022 (Organizing Secretary)
- Organized National Webinar on Wild Life Conservation week, 2021 dated 8 October 2021. (Convener)
- National Webinar on “New National Education Policy” NEP-2020, date 8 September 2020, (Convener)
- Organized “Five-day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Research Methodology” in Collaboration with S.R.T.M. University Nanded, MS, India (10 to 14 August, 2020) (Course Coordinator)
- Organized National Webinar on Mental Health of Faculty and Students in Covid-19 Situation, date 3-4 June 2020 (Convener)
- Organized “Two-day workshop on Research Methodology” in Collaboration with S.R.T.M. University Nanded, MS, India 27-28 July 2019 (Convener)
- Organised “Awarness workshop on IPR & Patent Filling” in Collaboration with S.R.T.M. University Nanded, MS, India, (27 July 2019 (Convener)
- Organised “Two-day Reginal Science Exhibition with theme Science and Technology for Better Future” in Collaboration with S.R.T.M. University Nanded, MS, India (Convener)
Conferences/ Seminars/ Symposia/ Workshops participation
- Participated in One day workshop on CBCS Pattern at Peoples college, Nanded
- Partcipation in Two days workshop on NAAC Awareness Workshop under NQRI of NAAC 14-15 December 2016. Organised by IQAC- NAAC cell , SRTM University, Nanded.
- Participation in one day Workshop on “Computer Aided Drug design” 2016 one day Workshop “Research Performance Metric and Intellectual Property rights”
- Paper Presented in National Conference on Adavance studies in Life Sciences and Medicinal Plants, 2014
- Paper Presented in State level Seminar on “Improved Crop Plants : Roles of Genetics” 2013
- Paper Presented in National Seminar on Recent trends in biodiversity Conservation and management”2013
- Paper Presented in National Conferences on Recent Initiatives towards Green Electronics, 2013.
- Poster Presented in National Seminar on “Recent Trends and Innovative development in the various Frontiers of Life Science” (1st Price) 2012
- Poster Presentation National Conference on “Green Engineering and Environmental Pollution” 2012.
- Paper presented in International Conference on Biodiversity and its conservation. 2011